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The Recommender System module lets you easily build a Content Based Recommender System (CBRS) or a Graph Based Recommender system (GBRS) with various algorithms.


The Recsys module is grounded on contents created with the Content Analyzer

The following will introduce you to the standard usage pipeline for this module, starting from importing the dataset to generating recommendation lists.

Importing the dataset

The Ratings class allows you to import rating from a source file (or also from an existent dataframe) into a custom object.

If the source file contains users, items and ratings in this order, no additional parameters are needed, otherwise the mapping must be explictly specified using:

  • 'user_id' column,
  • 'item_id' column,
  • 'score' column

In this case the dataset we want to import is a CSV file with the following header:


As you can see the user id column, item id column and score column are the first three column and are already in sequential order, so no additional parameter is required to the Ratings class:

import clayrs.content_analyzer as ca

ratings_raw_source = ca.CSVFile('ratings.csv') # (1)

ratings = ca.Ratings(ratings_raw_source)
  1. In this case our raw source is a CSV file, but ClayRS can also read from JSON files, DAT files and more

Splitting the dataset

Once you imported the dataset, the first thing you may want to do is to split it with a Partitioning technique

  • The output of any partitioning technique are two lists. The first containing all the train set produced by the partitioning technique (two train set in the below example), the other containing all the test set produced by the partitioning technique (two test set in the below example)
import clayrs.recsys as rs

# kfold partitioning technique
kf = rs.KFoldPartitioning(n_splits=2)

train_list, test_list = kf.split_all(ratings) # (1)
  1. You can pass to the split_all() method a specific user_id_list in case you only want to perform the splitting operation for a specific subset of users (e.g. select only users with more than x ratings)

Defining a Content Based Recommender System

A Content Based Recommender System needs an algorithm for ranking or predicting items to users. There are many available, in the following example we will use the CentroidVector algorithm:

  • It computes the centroid vector of the features of items liked by the user
  • It computes the similarity between the centroid vector and unrated items

The items liked by a user are those having a rating higher or equal than a specific threshold. If the threshold is not specified, the average score of all items liked by the user is used.

As already said, the Recommender System leverages the representations defined by the Content Analyzer. Suppose you have complexly represented the 'plot' with a simple TfIdf technique and assigned to this representation the tfidf id:

import clayrs.recsys as rs

centroid_vec = rs.CentroidVector(
    {'plot': 'tfidf'},

You can reference representation for a field also with an integer, in case you didn't assign any custom id during Content Analyzer phase.

centroid_vec = rs.CentroidVector(
    {'plot': 0},  # (1)

  1. This means that you want to use the first representation with which the 'plot' field was complexly represented

Please note that multiple representations could be adopted for a single field, and also multiple representations for multiple fields can be combined together! Simply specify them in the item_field dict that must be passed to any Content Based algorithm:

centroid_vec = rs.CentroidVector(
    {'plot': [0, 'glove-50', 'glove-100'],
     'genre': ['tfidf', 'fasttext']},


After choosing the algorithm, you are ready to instantiate the ContentBasedRS class.

A CBRS needs the following parameters:

  • The recommendation algorithm
  • The train set
  • The path of the items serialized by the Content Analyzer
train_set = test_list[0] # (1)

cbrs = rs.ContentBasedRS(random_forests, train_set, 'movies_codified/')
  1. Since every partitioning technique returns a list of train sets (here), in this way we are using only the first train set produced. Just below there's an example on how to produce recommendation for more than one split

Defining a Graph Based Recommender System

A Graph Based Recommender System (GBRS) requires to first define a graph

Ratings imported are used to create a Full Graph where property nodes (e.g. gender for users, budget for movies) can be linked to every node without any restriction

The framework also allows to create a Bipartite Graph (a graph without property node) and a Tripartite Graph (where property nodes are only linked to item nodes)

In order to load properties in the graph, we must specify where users and items are serialized and which properties to add (the following is the same for item_exo_properties):

  • If user_exo_properties is specified as a set, then the graph will try to load all properties from said exogenous representation

    # example

  • If user_exo_properties is specified as a dict, then the graph will try to load said properties from said exogenous representation

    # example
    {'my_exo_id': ['my_prop1', 'my_prop2']]}

Let's now create the graph loading all properties:

full_graph = rs.NXFullGraph(ratings, 
                            user_contents_dir='users_codified/', # (1)
                            item_contents_dir='movies_codified/', # (2)
                            user_exo_properties={0}, # (3)
                            item_exo_properties={'dbpedia'}, # (4)
  1. Where users complexly represented have been serialized during Content Analyzer phase
  2. Where items complexly represented have been serialized during Content Analyzer phase
  3. This means that you want to use the first exogenous representation with which each user has been expanded
  4. You can also access exogenous representation with custom id, if specified during Content Analyzer phase

The last step to perform before defining the GBRS is to instantiate an algorithm for ranking or predicting items to users.

In the following example we use the Personalized PageRank algorithm:

pr = rs.NXPageRank(personalized=True)

Finally we can instantiate the GBRS!

gbrs = rs.GraphBasedRS(pr, full_graph)

Generating recommendations


The following procedure works both for CBRS and GBRS. In the following we will consider a cbrs as an example

  • For GBRS there is no fit() method, only rank() or predict() method must be called

Now the cbrs must be fit before we can compute the rank:

  • We could do this in two separate steps, by first calling the fit(..) method and then the rank(...) method

  • Or by calling directly the fit_rank(...) method, which performs both in one step

In this case we choose the first method:

test_set = test_list[0] # (1)

rank = cbrs.rank(test_set, n_recs=10)  # top-10 recommendation for each user
  1. Since every partitioning technique returns a list of test sets (here), in this way we are using only the first train set produced. Just below there's an example on how to produce recommendation for more than one split

In case you perform a splitting of the dataset which returns a multiple train and test sets (KFold technique):

original_rat = ca.Ratings(ca.CSVFile(ratings_path))

train_list, test_list = rs.KFoldPartitioning(n_splits=5).split_all(original_rat)

alg = rs.CentroidVector()  # any cb algorithm

for train_set, test_set in zip(train_list, test_list):

    cbrs = rs.ContentBasedRS(alg, train_set, items_path)
    rank_to_append = cbrs.fit_rank(test_set)


result_list will contain recommendation lists for each split

Customizing the ranking process

You can customize the ranking process by changing the parameters of the rank(...) method

  • You can choice for which users to produce recommendations:
rank = cbrs.rank(test_set, user_list=['u1', 'u23', 'u56'])
  • If a cut rank list for each user must be produced:
rank = cbrs.rank(test_set, n_recs=10)
  • If a different methodology must be used:


A methodology lets you customize which items must be ranked for each user. For each target user \(u\), the following 4 different methodologies are available for defining those lists:

  1. TestRatings (default): the list of items to be evaluated consists of items rated by \(u\) in the test set
  2. TestItems: every item in the test set of every user except those in the training set of \(u\) will be predicted
  3. TrainingItems: every item in the training set of every user will be predicted except those in the training set of \(u\)
  4. AllItems: the whole set of items defined will be predicted, except those in the training set of \(u\)

More information on this paper.

By default the methodology used is the TestRatings methodology

rank = cbrs.rank(test_set, methodology=rs.TrainingItemsMethodology())

Generating score predictions

Some algorithm (e.g. LinearPredictor algorithm) are able to predict the numeric rating that a user would give to unseen items.

The usage is exactly the same of generating recommendations and customizing the ranking process, the only thing that changes is the method to call:

score_prediction = cbrs.fit_predict(test_set)


score_prediction = cbrs.predict(test_set)

Note: if the predict() or the fit_predict() method is called for an algorithm that is not able to perform score prediction, the NotPredictionAlg exception is raised