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Docs are complete, but revision is still a Work in Progress. Sorry for any typos!


The Evaluation module has the task of evaluating a recommender system, using several state-of-the-art metrics

The usage pipeline it's pretty simple, all the work is done by the EvalModel class class. Suppose you want to evaluate recommendation lists using NDCG, macro Precision, micro Recall@5, you need to instantiate the EvalModel class with the following parameters:

  • A list of computed rank/predictions (in case multiple splits must be evaluated)
  • A list of truths (in case multiple splits must be evaluated)
  • List of metrics to compute

Obviously the list of computed rank/predictions and list of truths must have the same length, and the rank/prediction in position \(i\) will be compared with the truth at position \(i\)

Usage example

In this case rank_list and truth_list are results obtained from the RecSys module of the framework

import clayrs.evaluation as eva

em = eva.EvalModel(
        eva.Precision(), # (1)
        eva.RecallAtK(k=5, sys_average='micro')
  1. If not specified, by default system average is computed as macro


Precision, Recall, and in general all classification metrics require a threshold which separates relevant items from non-relevant.

  • If a threshold is specified, then it is fixed for all users
  • If no threshold is specified, the mean rating score of each user will be used

Check documentation of each metric for more

Then simply call the fit() method of the instantiated object

  • It will return two pandas DataFrame: the first one contains the metrics aggregated for the system, while the second contains the metrics computed for each user (where possible)
sys_result, users_result =

Evaluating external recommendation lists

The evaluation module is completely independent from the Recsys and Content Analyzer module: that means that we can easily evaluate recommendation lists computed by other frameworks/tools!

Let's suppose we have recommendations (and related truths) generated via other tools in a csv format. We first import them into the framework and then pass them to the EvalModel class

import clayrs.content_analyzer as ca

csv_rank_1 = ca.CSVFile('rank_split_1.csv')
csv_truth_1 = ca.CSVFile('truth_split_1.csv')

csv_rank_2 = ca.CSVFile('rank_split_2.csv')
csv_truth_2 = ca.CSVFile('truth_split_2.csv')

# Importing split 1 (1)
rank_1 = ca.Rank(csv_rank_1)
truth_1 = ca.Ratings(csv_truth_1)

# Importing split 2 (2)
rank_2 = ca.Rank(csv_rank_2)
truth_2 = ca.Ratings(csv_truth_2)

# since multiple splits, we wrap ranks and truths in lists
imported_ranks = [rank_1, rank_2]
imported_truths = [truth_1, truth_2]
  1. Remember that this instantiation to the Rank/Ratings class assumes a certain order of the columns of your raw source. Otherwise, you need to manually map columns. Check related documentation for more

  2. Remember that this instantiation to the Rank/Ratings class assumes a certain order of the columns of your raw source. Otherwise, you need to manually map columns. Check related documentation for more

Then simply evaluate them exactly in the same way as shown before!

import clayrs.evaluation as eva

em = eva.EvalModel(
        # ... Choose your own metrics

sys_results_df, users_results_df =

Perform a statistical test

ClayRS lets you also compare different learning schemas by performing statistical tests:

  • Simply instantiate the desired test and call its perform() method. The parameter it expects is the list of user_results dataframe obtained in the evaluation step, one for each learning schema to compare.
ttest = eva.Ttest()

all_comb_df = ttest.perform([user_result1, user_result2, user_result3])


In this case since the Ttest it's a paired test, the final result is a pandas DataFrame which contains learning schemas compared in pair:

  • (system1, system2)
  • (system1, system3)
  • (system2, system3)