Low level techniques
ColorQuantization(n_colors=3, init='k-means++', n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=0.0001, random_state=None, copy_x=True, algorithm='auto', flatten=False, imgs_dirs='imgs_dirs', max_timeout=2, max_retries=5, max_workers=0, batch_size=64, resize_size=(227, 227))
Bases: LowLevelVisual
Low level technique which returns the colors obtained from applying a clustering technique (in this case KMeans)
Arguments for SkLearn KMeans
imgs_dirs |
directory where the images are stored (or will be stored in the case of fields containing links)
max_timeout |
maximum time to wait before considering a request failed (image from link)
max_retries |
maximum number of retries to retrieve an image from a link
max_workers |
maximum number of workers for parallelism
batch_size |
batch size for the images dataloader
resize_size |
since the Tensorflow dataset requires all images to be of the same size, they will all be resized to the specified size. Note that if you were to specify a resize transformer in the preprocessing pipeline, the size specified in the latter will be the final resize size |
Source code in clayrs/content_analyzer/field_content_production_techniques/visual_techniques/low_level_techniques.py
298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 |
ColorsHist(imgs_dirs='imgs_dirs', max_timeout=2, max_retries=5, max_workers=0, batch_size=64, resize_size=(227, 227))
Bases: LowLevelVisual
Low level technique which generates a color histogram for each channel of each RGB image
The technique retrieves all the values for each one of the three RGB channels in the image, flattens them and returns an EmbeddingField representation containing a numpy two-dimensional array with three rows (one for each channel)
imgs_dirs |
directory where the images are stored (or will be stored in the case of fields containing links)
max_timeout |
maximum time to wait before considering a request failed (image from link)
max_retries |
maximum number of retries to retrieve an image from a link
max_workers |
maximum number of workers for parallelism
batch_size |
batch size for the images dataloader
resize_size |
since the Tensorflow dataset requires all images to be of the same size, they will all be resized to the specified size. Note that if you were to specify a resize transformer in the preprocessing pipeline, the size specified in the latter will be the final resize size |
Source code in clayrs/content_analyzer/field_content_production_techniques/visual_techniques/low_level_techniques.py
248 249 250 251 252 |
CustomFilterConvolution(weights, mode='reflect', cval=0.0, origin=0, flatten=False, imgs_dirs='imgs_dirs', max_timeout=2, max_retries=5, max_workers=0, batch_size=64, resize_size=(227, 227))
Bases: LowLevelVisual
Low level technique which implements a custom filter for convolution over an image, using the convolve method from the scipy library
Parameters are the same ones you would pass to the convolve function in scipy together with some framework specific parameters
Arguments for Scipy convolve
flatten |
whether the output of the technique should be flattened or not
imgs_dirs |
directory where the images are stored (or will be stored in the case of fields containing links)
max_timeout |
maximum time to wait before considering a request failed (image from link)
max_retries |
maximum number of retries to retrieve an image from a link
max_workers |
maximum number of workers for parallelism
batch_size |
batch size for the images dataloader
resize_size |
since the Tensorflow dataset requires all images to be of the same size, they will all be resized to the specified size. Note that if you were to specify a resize transformer in the preprocessing pipeline, the size specified in the latter will be the final resize size |
Source code in clayrs/content_analyzer/field_content_production_techniques/visual_techniques/low_level_techniques.py
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 |
SkImageCannyEdgeDetector(sigma=1.0, low_threshold=None, high_threshold=None, mask=None, use_quantiles=False, mode='constant', cval=0.0, flatten=False, imgs_dirs='imgs_dirs', max_timeout=2, max_retries=5, max_workers=0, batch_size=64, resize_size=(227, 227))
Bases: LowLevelVisual
Low level technique which implements the Canny Edge Detector using the SkImage library
Parameters are the same ones you would pass to the canny function in SkImage together with some framework specific parameters
Arguments for SkImage Canny
flatten |
whether the output of the technique should be flattened or not
imgs_dirs |
directory where the images are stored (or will be stored in the case of fields containing links)
max_timeout |
maximum time to wait before considering a request failed (image from link)
max_retries |
maximum number of retries to retrieve an image from a link
max_workers |
maximum number of workers for parallelism
batch_size |
batch size for the images dataloader
resize_size |
since the Tensorflow dataset requires all images to be of the same size, they will all be resized to the specified size. Note that if you were to specify a resize transformer in the preprocessing pipeline, the size specified in the latter will be the final resize size |
Source code in clayrs/content_analyzer/field_content_production_techniques/visual_techniques/low_level_techniques.py
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 |
SkImageHogDescriptor(orientations=9, pixels_per_cell=(8, 8), cells_per_block=(3, 3), block_norm='L2-Hys', transform_sqrt=False, flatten=False, imgs_dirs='imgs_dirs', max_timeout=2, max_retries=5, max_workers=0, batch_size=64, resize_size=(227, 227))
Bases: LowLevelVisual
Low level technique which implements the Hog Descriptor using the SkImage library
Parameters are the same ones you would pass to the hog function in SkImage together with some framework specific parameters
Arguments for SkImage Hog
flatten |
whether the output of the technique should be flattened or not
imgs_dirs |
directory where the images are stored (or will be stored in the case of fields containing links)
max_timeout |
maximum time to wait before considering a request failed (image from link)
max_retries |
maximum number of retries to retrieve an image from a link
max_workers |
maximum number of workers for parallelism
batch_size |
batch size for the images dataloader
resize_size |
since the Tensorflow dataset requires all images to be of the same size, they will all be resized to the specified size. Note that if you were to specify a resize transformer in the preprocessing pipeline, the size specified in the latter will be the final resize size |
Source code in clayrs/content_analyzer/field_content_production_techniques/visual_techniques/low_level_techniques.py
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 |
SkImageLBP(p, r, method='default', flatten=False, as_image=False, imgs_dirs='imgs_dirs', max_timeout=2, max_retries=5, max_workers=0, batch_size=64, resize_size=(227, 227))
Bases: LowLevelVisual
Low level technique which allows for LBP feature detection from SkImage
Parameters are the same ones you would pass to the local_binary_pattern function in SkImage together with some framework specific parameters
Furthermore, in this case, there is also an additional parameter, that is 'as_image'
Arguments for SkImage lbp
as_image |
if True, the lbp image obtained from SkImage will be returned, otherwise the number of occurences of each binary pattern will be returned (as if it was a feature vector)
imgs_dirs |
directory where the images are stored (or will be stored in the case of fields containing links)
max_timeout |
maximum time to wait before considering a request failed (image from link)
max_retries |
maximum number of retries to retrieve an image from a link
max_workers |
maximum number of workers for parallelism
batch_size |
batch size for the images dataloader
resize_size |
since the Tensorflow dataset requires all images to be of the same size, they will all be resized to the specified size. Note that if you were to specify a resize transformer in the preprocessing pipeline, the size specified in the latter will be the final resize size |
Source code in clayrs/content_analyzer/field_content_production_techniques/visual_techniques/low_level_techniques.py
416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 |
SkImageSIFT(upsampling=2, n_octaves=8, n_scales=3, sigma_min=1.6, sigma_in=0.5, c_dog=0.013333333333333334, c_edge=10, n_bins=36, lambda_ori=1.5, c_max=0.8, lambda_descr=6, n_hist=4, n_ori=8, flatten=False, imgs_dirs='imgs_dirs', max_timeout=2, max_retries=5, max_workers=0, batch_size=64, resize_size=(227, 227))
Bases: LowLevelVisual
Low level technique which allows for SIFT feature detection from SkImage
Parameters are the same ones you would pass to the SIFT object in SkImage together with some framework specific parameters
Arguments for SkImage SIFT
imgs_dirs |
directory where the images are stored (or will be stored in the case of fields containing links)
max_timeout |
maximum time to wait before considering a request failed (image from link)
max_retries |
maximum number of retries to retrieve an image from a link
max_workers |
maximum number of workers for parallelism
batch_size |
batch size for the images dataloader
resize_size |
since the Tensorflow dataset requires all images to be of the same size, they will all be resized to the specified size. Note that if you were to specify a resize transformer in the preprocessing pipeline, the size specified in the latter will be the final resize size |
Source code in clayrs/content_analyzer/field_content_production_techniques/visual_techniques/low_level_techniques.py
357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 |